How do I apply for a job at Pan Macmillan Australia?
Details of vacancies at Pan Macmillan are listed under Current Vacancies on this page. Please refer to specific vacancies for application details. Any applications forwarded via email should be in Word format.
Vacancies may also be advertised in major city and/or regional newspapers, as well as in the Books+Publishing Weekly Book Newsletter.
Do you offer work experience?
Limited work experience placements are offered throughout the year. These placements are dependent upon the workload of individual departments. Details of current work experience opportunities will be listed in Current Vacancies on this page.
How else can I get started in the publishing industry?
From time to time, entry level positions become available at Pan Macmillan. Resumes can be emailed to our Human Resources department at, where they will be retained on file for a 12-month period, and reviewed should relevant vacancies come about.
Unfortunately, we are unable to accept portfolios of artwork.
For advice regarding careers in proofreading, editing, or getting started in the publishing industry, please contact either The Australian Publishers Association or the Society of Editors in your state.
Diversity, Equality & Inclusion at Pan Macmillan
At Pan Macmillan we’re all about making real connections. Whether you’re starting your career, pivoting to a new one, or bringing decades of experience, there’s a place for you here.
Diversity isn’t just a box we tick. It’s the bedrock of creativity and innovation. We’re on the lookout for unique perspectives that can broaden our horizons. Be it your cultural background, the path you’ve walked in life, or the unique insights you bring to the table, your story is what makes us stronger.
Equality is non-negotiable. We’re dedicated to ensuring fair treatment, access, and opportunity across the board. We’re building opportunities, ensuring that your career potential isn’t pre-determined by anything other than your passion, drive, and talent.
Inclusion is the thread that binds us. It’s creating an environment where everyone, regardless of who they are or what they believe in, can find their footing and thrive. From the moment you start work with Pan Macmillan, we’re committed to ensuring you feel valued, heard, and seen.
Our journey towards a more diverse, inclusive, and equal workplace is ongoing. We’re learning, growing, and evolving every day – and we’re inviting you to join us.
Whatever your skillset may be, your unique voice and talent have a home at Pan Macmillan. Together, we can create stories that resonate with everyone, everywhere.
Current vacancies
No current vacancies.