George Georgievski

George Georgievski

George Georgievski's lunchbox creations have captivated people all over the world, with American Express Magazine crowning him the 'most inspiring lunch creator in the world'. Known as 'the school lunchbox dad', George is an engaged parent to two daughters. He is a prankster and an unashamed 'dad joker', who has taken to social media to share his inspirational bento-style lunchbox creations.

It all began when he took on the responsibility of preparing school lunches for his daughters each day. After searching for great lunch hacks online and finding there wasn't much out there, George began creating his own 'dad-hacks' and recipes and sharing them across his social media channels. Before he knew it, he had a growing following on Instagram and Facebook, and was being asked to present his lunchbox ideas at baby and kids expos across Australia.

George is the author of the bestselling books Lunchbox Express, Air Fryer Express and Dinner Express. He is also an Australian ambassador for Jamie Oliver's Ministry of Food, which aims to transform the health and wellbeing of communities across Australia.