Ben Pronk

Ben Pronk

Ben Pronk DSC began his resilience journey at the age of 16 months, when his annoyingly talented brother Dan was born. Since then, he has continued as a student, teacher and practitioner of resilience, including through his 24-year army career. The majority of this time was in the SAS, and involved multiple deployments to Timor Leste, Iraq and Afghanistan - where he was awarded a Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) for leadership in combat - before finishing as commanding officer. In 2018, Ben co-founded Mettle Global, a premium consultancy that delivers resilience solutions to clients globally. He is an adjunct faculty member at the Australian Graduate School of Management at the University of New South Wales, where he delivers leadership programs within Australia's top-ranked MBA program. Ben has an MBA and a Master in Defence Studies, and is also director of VGI Partners, the co-host of the Unforgiving60 podcast, a proud husband and the father of two children.